#9 Clemens Hollerer
Tearing down your blue skies

Clemens Hollerer, “Tearing down your blue skies”, 2016. Photo © Clemens Hollerer
Crowded by all that is lost, it’s hard to find positives
Taken by blunt ignorance I give you no forgiveness
Don’t try to block out all the memories, it’s the pain that binds us
All to this cause we unite to burn the cancer
Fire… Damage, who decides what is right
Battle rages day to day, fought by our sons and daughters
All support is fading, it raises speculation
It’s not just one man, but a fungus that is slowly closing in on the world
smothering all of existance
Fire… Damage, who decides what is right
Who decides what is right
Fear is fuel for cowards, throw a match into the fuel
Don’t think that all is lost, read between the burning towers
This hit should make us strong, aggravated by their treachery
No end in sight, blinding, wish I could see the future
Day in day out questioning, what is tommorrow bringing
Though we are whithered and beaten we cannot be broken
Fear of your pride, misery is soon upon us
Fire… Damage, who decides what is right
Who decides what is right
Fear is fuel for cowards, throw a match into the fuel
Don’t think that all is lost, read between the burning towers
This hit should make us strong, aggravated by what it’s coming to
What is it coming to, every time you turn the page you can see our world is a disaster
Rage rears its’ ugly head in so many different ways
So deafening, our world is a disaster
Lost on a globe of disregard, clinging onto hope
We need to find… what really matters.
(Lyrics from ‘Fire / Damage’, by the American band ‘Diecast’)
Clemens Hollerer wurde 1975 in Bruck an der Mur geboren. Nach dem Studium am Euregio Kolleg fuer kuenstlerische Fotografie in Kefermarkt, schrieb er sich 2006 -2008 am Postgraduat HISK - Higher Institute for Fine Arts in Antwerpen/Gent ein. In Belgien experimentierte er mit Malerei, Installation und Skulptur. Heute lebt und arbeitet er in Bad Gleichenberg in der Suedoststeiermark, wo er 2016 sein neues Atelier 'MD.21 Artspace Clemens Hollerer' eroeffnete.
Seine Arbeiten wurden national und international ausgestellt und befinden sich in zahlreichen Sammlungen. Nach Nominierungen fuer den Zurich Art Prize und den Future Generation Art Prize 2010, sowie fuer den Kardinal-Koenig-Kunstpreis 2011 und 2013, erhielt Clemens Hollerer 2014 das Staatsstipendium fuer Bildende Kunst.
Clemens Hollerer macht konzeptuelle Entnahmen aus dem Stadtraum. Seine Arbeitsweise erinnert an ein Abtasten der architektonischen Eigenheiten, ein Aufspüren ihrer spezifischen Bedingungen und ihrer Kennzeichnung, die Baustellenästhetik erinnert an technische Konstruktionen, sie verweigert sich jedoch einer Erklärung und eindeutigen Funktionsbestimmung. Mit seinen gleichsam narrativen skulpturalen Installationen entwirft er ein eigenes Orientierungssystem für die Wahrnehmung des Ausstellungsraumes. Durch Hollerers Fähigkeit, die Bestandteile auf sehr ungewohnte Weise im Ausstellungsraum zu kombinieren, sie zusätzlich unter Spannungen zu setzen oder sie in offenen Prozessen zu belassen, wird überraschend die inhärente Poesie der verwendeten Dinge offenbar. Die Installationen drängen sich nicht auf, aber sie gewähren auch keine Rückzugsmöglichkeit, sie nehmen den gesamten Raum auf ihre Weise ein. Sie sind schwer und doch fragil, monumental und ephemer, sehr körperlich, auch verspielt, gewollt trashig – und menschlich, im Maßstab oder im Auftreten. (Textauszug: Cem Angeli, Cast your Art)
Hollerers Fotografien und Videos beleuchten Zerstörung in all ihren Formen, Leit- und Begrenzungssysteme, sowie Menschen und deren Verhaltensmuster in urbanen Zonen. Diese beiden medialen Ausdrucksformen bieten wesentliche Grundlagen fuer seine skulpturalen und installativen Arbeiten.
Clemens Hollerer was born in 1975 in Bruck an der Mur. After his studies at Euregio Kolleg for artistic photography in Kefermarkt, he enrolled in the postgraduate studies program of HISK – Higher Institute for Fine Arts in Antwerp/Ghent (2006–2008). In Belgium, he continued making experiments in painting, installation and sculpture. Today, he lives and works in Bad Gleichenberg in southern Styria where he recently opened his new studio ‘MD.21 Artspace Clemens Hollerer’ in 2016.
His works have been presented, exhibited and collected nationally and internationally. After nominations for the Zurich Art Prize and the Future Generation Art Prize in 2010, as well as for the Kardinal-Koenig-Art Prize in 2011 and 2013, Clemens Hollerer was awarded the Austrian State Scholarship for Fine Arts in 2014.
Hollerer makes conceptual extractions from urban space. His method of operation is an analogy to a scanning of the architectural particularities, a gauging of their specific conditions and their identification. The building-site aesthetics call technical constructions to mind, but remain opaque to any intents of interpretation or assignment of a defined functionality. By using objects made of construction material Hollerer shifts the focal points of attention within a given space. The spaces he is confronted with inspire him, with his quasi narrative sculptures he designs a peculiar orientation system for the perception of the exhibition space. Hollerer’s ability to combine the components in unusual ways within the exhibition space, to charge them with additional tension, or to leave them within open processes, surprisingly brings forth the intrinsic poetry of the used elements. The installations do not impose themselves but neither do they allow for any withdrawal, they occupy the space in their distinct way. They are at the same time heavy and fragile, monumental and ephemeral, very physical, playful, deliberately trashy – and humane, in proportion or appearance.
Hollerer’s works examine the notion of “destruction” in various forms, in order to portray behavioral guidance and limitation systems as well as people and their behaviour patterns in urban space.
EXHIBITIONS (Selection):
Relapse, SNAP, Lyon, F (Solo)
Aftermath, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz, A (Solo)
Rhythm of line, Galerie Ruth Leuchter, Dusseldorf, D
Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums, 1335MABINI, Manila, Philippines (Solo)
Fata Morgana, Galleria Enrico Astuni, Bologna, IT
Tightrope, Galerie Klueser 2, Munich, D (Solo)
MakeSHIFT(S) - Columna02 / Lyon Biennale 2013 Satellite, F
A space in color (Expanding.color), La Tolerie, Clermont-Ferrand, F
Hollerer/Marte ‘Do we need to have an accident?’, Kunsthaus Graz - Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz, A (Duo with Sabine Marte)
Fuenf Raeume (Five Rooms), Austrian Cultural Forum, New York, USA
Future Generation Art Price @ Venice, Palazzo Papadopoli, Venice, IT
Collateral event of the 54th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia
Future Generation Art Prize, Pinchuck Art Centre, Kiev, Ukraine